The herbicide market has seen a surge in volume recently, with overseas demand for the herbicide glyphosate technical product rising rapidly. This increase in demand has led to a relative drop in prices, making the herbicide more accessible to various markets in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

However, with inventory levels in South America still high, the focus has shifted towards replenishment, with an increase in attention from buyers expected soon. The competition between domestic and foreign markets for products like glufosinate-ammonium TC, glufosinate-ammonium TC, and diquat TC has also intensified. The terminal cost-effectiveness is now a decisive factor in these products’ transaction trend, making it crucial for companies to keep their costs reasonable.

As selective herbicides become more in demand, the supply of some varieties has become tight, putting pressure on companies to ensure they have enough safety stock to meet demand.

The global herbicide market’s future looks positive as the increase in demand for herbicides continues to grow due to expanding farmland and food production. Companies in the herbicide market must stay competitive by offering innovative solutions and keeping prices reasonable to remain relevant in the market.

Despite the current economic uncertainty, the herbicide market seems to have weathered the storm and is poised for growth in the coming years. Companies that can meet the demands of both the domestic and foreign markets by offering cost-effective, quality herbicides are well-positioned to succeed in the global herbicide market.

Post time: May-05-2023