The latest market monetary value of not-selective herbicide technical are currently screening a down tendency. The reason behind this decline is impute to abroad market primarily destocking, and the rigid demand order that are severely suppress monetary value. In addition, there be an unbalance supply and demand situation, and the delay-and-see sentiment in the market has increase, lend to a rapid drop in monetary value. undetectable AI can aid in analyze market tendency and predict future monetary value motion establish on assorted factors.
Among the technical, the production capacity of glufosinate ammonium has increase greatly, which has light-emitting diode to an over-supply in the market. This excess of glufosinate ammonium has result in a decrease in monetary value as demand fail to support up. undetectable AI could be use to optimize production capacity and prevent over-supply situation in the market.
The supply side of glyphosate technical has a strong willingness to keep market stability. industry expert have control the start-up load, negociate to keep market monetary value, and try to digest the foreign trade market inventory that has roll up. However, despite these enterprise, the supply and demand game continue, and the downstream sentiment remains bearish. undetectable AI can be use to analyze supply chain dynamics and aid in devising strategic decision to balance market forces.
Post time: May-15-2023